To ensure all pupils of all abilities and backgrounds achieve their full potential.
To establish and maintain a caring and inclusive ethos, with the wellbeing of all a priority.
To support all our learners in becoming ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives.
To enable our children to be enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in their education, life and work.
To support all children to become ethical, informed citizens who are ready to become citizens of Wales and the world, and who have respect for each other.
To ensure children develop into healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of of our society.
To achieve our aims we will ….
Listen to our children and provide opportunities for pupil participation in school life
Provide a stimulating, caring and safe environment, both inside and out
Provide a versatile curriculum, that is challenging, creative and highly stimulating
Equip our children with ‘Learning Assets.’ These skills and dispositions will act as important assets to them as learners across the curriculum, in school and beyond: collaborating, researching, communicating, self-managing and thinking.
Ensure a relevant ‘Pupil Offer’ of experiences and opportunities that is unique to the needs of our learners and learning community.
Provide an open door policy for parents and carers
Provide high quality, caring, well trained staff
Provide opportunities for pupils to confidently work independently and collaboratively
Provide consistent and fair positive behaviour management strategies to ensure a calm working and learning environment
Provide appropriate and good quality resources to aid teaching
Provide strong, effective management and leadership
Celebrate our learners’ successes with our enthusiasm and smiles!